Entrants to Hungary checked for coronavirus at major border crossings

The Hungarian police and the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) are checking travellers entering Hungary for coronavirus at six major border crossings across the country, the spokesman of the national police force said on Tuesday.

Kristóf Gál told a press conference at the border crossing at Tompa, on the Hungary-Serbia border, that

the crossings at Ártánd, Csanádpalota, Röszke, Tompa, Udvar and Letenye are also entry points into the Schengen area.

Experience shows that most busses taking Chinese tourists to Hungary cross at these points, Gál said.

Their temperature is being taken and those with a fever will be isolated and, if necessary, sent to a hospital with the facilities to receive them, Gál said.

Police are providing protective gear and disinfectants at all border crossings in the country, Gál said.

Budapest Airport is checking the temperatures of passengers of all flights from China, he noted.

Source: MTI

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